This CA issues certificates to Queensland Health devices and servers that allow them to authenticate to services including wireless access; domain controllers; internal Queensland Health websites and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).
Servers that need to authenticate for a TLS (HTTPS/LDAPS) session can use a server authentication certificate. A server authentication certificate can be enrolled for using the enrolment page available here. To complete the enrolment a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) will be required. Instructions on how to complete this enrolment are available here. Once the enrolment has been submitted it will be reviewed by the QHPKI Administrators and either approved and a certificate issued via email or rejected and a reason provided.
This CA is certified by Queensland Health PKI Root Certification Authority
The contact details for the Queensland Health Public Key Infrastructure Policy Authority are:
Post: Department of Health Queensland
Attn: QHPKI Policy Authority Chair
c/o- Cyber Security Group
GPO Box 48 Brisbane
Queensland 4001